...but, we're on the road to recovery again!
Hi loyal blog readers - It's been a while. Well, yesterday, Heisman went in for her second TPLO - this time on the left knee. Thank GOODNESS we only have 2 knees on this dog (apparently, the front legs have elbows!).
So, yes, not exactly what we planned. As we have rehabilitated Heisman's right leg from TPLO #1 (on 2/5/09), her left leg has continued to deteriorate. This past weekend, if she had any activity, she wouldn't even use the leg leg for the following 24 hours. So, back to Dr. Greenwood we went. We had been trying to hold off the second surgery until early/Mid June to give her right leg a full 16 weeks to heal, but her left leg was just not willing. We saw Dr. Greenwood on Monday, she went in to surgery on Wednesday, and she is back home today. What a whirlwind!
Long story short, Heisman's left knee was even "slopier" (they measure the slope of the bone) than the right, despite the fact that the right required surgery first. Not to worry, Dr. Greenwood corrected that - from a 33 degree slope to 6-7 degrees! Hooray!
I cannot quite believe that we are "right back to where we started." Completely confined (both of us), in pain, going to the bathroom on a leash, no walks, etc. I know it is the best for Heisman, and there is a big piece of me that is excited about doing the surgery earlier, as I know that only means we will be done with recovery earlier, but there is a (selfish) piece of me that really wanted some more "normal" time with Heisman - hanging out, taking walks, going out to eat, etc.
Our last weekend before surgery was nothing short of meant to be. Though we had no idea that the surgery would be happening so soon, we spent the whole afternoon with Heisman on Saturday. First, her daddy and I took her to City Dog Market to pick out some new treats. We just discovered City Dog after her last surgery, so she had not been "recovered" enough to visit on her own yet. She loved it after that, the 3 of us went to our favorite Atlanta barbeque place - the Old Brick Pit - to eat. We sat outside (obviously) and all 3 had some delicious GRUB. Once we came home, we spent the rest of the afternoon outside enjoying the Georgia Summer. It was amazing. Here are some pictures from our first "recovery period." Heisman wanted me to show all of her readers what she has been up to - and that she really knows how to have a good time!

Go Jackets! Heisman went to the Georgia Tech Spring Game to cheer on the Jackets at their last open practice of the Spring!

That's right - Heisman has her own GT jersey. She shares a number with wide receiver Demaryius Thomas.

Heisman and Daddy played some guitar in the backyard.

Mommy and I watched for stuff to bark at!
Now for the graphic Day One of surgery photos - these are a bit grizzly...

Swollen, bruised, and frankensteined....

Incision and skin infection (per usual)

And the obligatory "Hi" from Hamilton...